Lil' Fans |
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Newborn Michaela Dorsey555 views...left the hospital decked out in Steelers attire!! She is now 3-years old and according to mom, "born and raised as a Steelers fan for life!".
Photo: Michelle Dorsey

November 25, 2016 - Lil’ Fan Friday – Thanksgiving Weekend Edition!508 viewsThat’s right! We have another Big Ben turkey contestant!
This one was made by 6-year old Kayla Hawley:
“My first grade daughter’s project was to disguise a turkey to keep it from becoming someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Kayla has been a Big Ben fan from the beginning! One thing to know about Kayla is that she loves everything ‘girl’. She’s a princess-loving ballerina for sure. But when it came time for this project she chose Big Ben all on her own! Kayla sports Ben’s jersey on game days and cheers for him above everyone else. If he’s ever not playing she is heartbroken. This girl is a true fan!†— Michelle Babusci.
We think that’s just good parenting showing through! Well done, Kayla (and mom!).

February 5, 2021 - Lil' Fan Friday209 views"Avalyn’s sister was on Ben’s site four years ago when she drew a turkey disguised as Ben. Now Avalyn’s hoping SHE can make it to his site. Here she is showing off her new smile during Week 9…with one less tooth…as she says Steelers are EIGHT AND 0!†— Michelle Hawley.

December 23, 2016 - Lil' Fan Friday, Christmas Edition542 viewsThis little Christmas cutie is 1-year old Reagan Knorr!
“Oh my goodness!! You mean I get both Santa AND the Steelers this Christmas?? Mom, what are you waiting for? Get this cart movin’!! We need cookies for Santa and snacks for the game!!â€
*Thanks to mom Michelle!

This future QB...904 viewsis Big Ben's biggest fan in Napa, CA!! Daniel "Dido" Mitchell poses in his favorite gameday attire!
Photo: Mick Mitchell

Daddy, can we throw the football around?569 viewsWesley Kemp is ready, even if he does have to grow into the football first. He has 2 older brothers, 8-year old Tyson and 6-year old Marshall, and according to dad, Mike, "We are all huge Ben fans up here. Go Steelers!!!!"

Ready to cheer next year!473 viewsMike Miller (@mmiller01112) tweeted a photo of his two adorable Big Ben fans who are ready for the 2014 season already (and practicing their cheers!).

Making a fashion statement!558 viewsLil' T (as her family calls her) is trying a new sports look - her #7 jersey WITH a baseball "hat"! You never know, this could catch on and be all the rage at Steelers and Pirates games next season!
Photo: Mike Tejaro

Is anyone sitting here?892 viewsBecause Renee Vitiello is ready to sit down, kick back and watch some Steelers football!!
Photo: Mike Vitiello

Itty Bitty Big Ben Fan!898 viewsTen-month old Renee Vitiello was born with a Terrible Towel in her crib and took her first steps in a Big Ben jersey. Her proud dad Mike say, "She is just another example of how Steeler fans are born with black and gold in their blood."
Here she is posing with her lovely mother, Jen.
Photo: Mike Vitiello

2021's first Lil' Fan Friday 441 views“Just wanted to send these of my son Noah, they are actually from the 2009 season but they are some of my favorite pictures of him, and he’s an even bigger Steelers fan now!†— Misty Kaefer.

Twitter Pic - Monica Louden480 views@mlouden87
Drove 3 hrs to take my little one to his first game last weekend! Thanks for the win! He looks up to you!
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