In memory of Shannon1256 viewsShannon the Maltese has been gone for a year now, but she is still in the heart of her owner, Darlene.
Darlene recently came across this photo of Shannon wearing her #7 doggy jersey and wanted to share it with other pet owners and Steelers fans!
(1 votes)
Did you say Ravens?1368 viewsI chase them out of the yard!!
"Jeebus lives in Oakville, Ontario, Canada as Steeler Nation knows no borders. As innocent as he looks, he's been known to terrorize any Ravens that may cross his path while Bengals don't even take the chance of coming near him!" -- Scott Robichaud
(1 votes)
November, 2014: Fan Photos1319 views"Roxie Blue and Ruby Tuesday have their game faces on!! Proud members of Steeler Nation." -- Donna Welsh (3 votes)
Foxy and Chica1268 views...don't nap without their favorite Bleacher Creatures close by!
Photo: Steven Chamlin (10 votes)
"Blitz" and "Remington"1703 viewsBlitz is a rottweiler, and Remington is a Pitbull mix. They hail from North-Eastern Ohio, but they wear black & gold, not brown and orange!
Photo: Jessica Mason
(2 votes)
Hey Mommmm!!!!1139 viewsWe could sure use some appetizers before the game starts!
That's Piper the Cairn Terrier, and Rei the Collie.
Photo: Brenda Brown
(7 votes)
"Benny"1726 all decked out in his Big Ben jersey, Steelers tie and eye-black!
"My husband and I are originally from Pittsburgh and now live in Las Vegas. We were at the training camp and Ben saw our puppy, Benny. He's a teacup Morkie (Maltese and Yorkie mix) and he's a service animal. Benny goes to the children's hospital and nursing homes to cheer up and cheer on the patients. He is always a hit. He has a #7 jersey and several Big Ben shirts." -- Mary Krevosh (47 votes)
Abby1505 views...gets a little down when her team loses!
Photo: Susan Molnar (1 votes)
Steel Pooches1683 viewsThat's "Big Sam" and "Norman" looking awfully serious as they guessed it, Steelers football.
Photo: Jeff Kasik
(7 votes)
"Sushi"1315 views...shows off her, uh, Terrible Towel saddle in San Antonio, Texas!!
Photo: Courtney Immel
(5 votes)
"Chase"1510 views....was not afraid to be the first cat in the album, even with so many dogs in attendance....Chase is a tough Steelers cat!
Photo: Kelsey Jackson (2 votes)
Introducing Benny the Yorkipoo!1667 viewsThe newest member of the Longmore family and Steeler nation! Benny loves his Steelers hoodie! (3 votes)
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