April 5, 2008 - Second Annual Ben Roethlisberger Challenge
Photo & Story by Trish:
Ben raffled off many items..and darn it..I was 3 tiks away (in numbers) from winning his cleats.
Ben packed the house in..tiks were sold out and people were begging to buy ours..we had 1 extra tik so we gave it away. The crowd went WILD when Ben's team came out..very cool. They won like 107-90-not for sure. It was pandemonium when the game ended.
It looked like he made a lot of money for the scholarship..everyone had a blast. Ben entertained the crowd. He threw t-shirts to kids, did tons of raffles, and just looked like he was having so much fun. He took pics w/each member of the opposing team, the refs, refs kids. Very nice.