Fan Photos/Fan Stories |
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Training Camp, 2013459 viewsSami Wilhite is all smiles when Ben walks up to sign her jersey!
"I went to training camp August 7th and 8th at Latrobe. Once again I had the chance to meet Ben. He was very cool and came to me first to sign my jersey out of everybody. Ben was messing with me and said it was "Okay" to give him the jersey to sign because he wasn't going to take it, LOL. We had a laugh and he was kind enough to take a picture with me. Once again thank you!!!!!" -- Sami

November, 2014: Fan Photos464 views "Me and my family got the great chance to go to training camp again this past summer. I got to meet Ben again this year and take a picture with him!" -- Sami Wilhite
P.S. thank you for always taking the time to read my emails, my family and I love your website! We now have 9 helmets signed by Ben.

The collection grows.....607 viewsSami Wilhite poses with a Gotham City Rogues helmet made by her father and signed by Ben at training camp in August, 2012. The Wilhite's have 90 autographed helmets in their collection so far!!! Sami is a BIG Big Ben fan!
Photo: The Wilhite Family

September 18, 2015 - Sami Wilhite574 viewsSami poses with her signed Big Ben jersey.
Photo: Bruce Wilhite

November, 2014: Fan Photos465 viewsSanchez Burto is teaching his kids all about the black & gold!

Training Camp - August, 2013495 views

January, 2016: No matter where you call home in the snow zone605 views…it WAS the Black & Gold Blizzard of 2016!! Even Sara Martin celebrated her Blizzard Birthday with Black & Gold (icing)!

The Medina Family...441 viewsThree #43's and and two #7's!!!
That's Saul Medina, wife Marcela, son Erick, and little Giselle proudly wearing #7!

Like father, like daughter462 viewsScott Gibler and his daughter Maddie from Tipp City, OH enjoy Maddie's first Steeler game on Sunday, December 29th, 2013 vs the Browns.
"She loved hearing the announcer say, 'That's another Pittsburgh Steeler' and the crowd respond with '1st Down!'" -- Scott Gibler

The Elliott Family683 viewsJohn, Scott and Ryan Elliott.
Scott and his dad, John, a retired Pittsburgh firefighter, were born and raised in the 'burgh. Both attended Super Bowl XL in Detroit in 2006 and Scott said it, "was one of the greatest experiences of my life". Scott's young son, Ryan, was born in Cleveland, but according to Scott that's no problem when it comes to choosing the right team, "As you know everyone with Pittsburgh roots becomes a Steeler fan."

Steelers pride in Illinois!584 viewssean obrien @seanob74
@_BigBen7 my girls ready for school on a football friday in Illinois! #herewegosteelers

Shannon Marie492 views...has had the opportunity to pose with Big Ben twice and posted this photo on Twitter after their second meeting. It's from Ben's “National Champion of Youth Award†ceremony which was held during the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 36th annual Golf Classic at Sewickley Heights Golf Club on Monday, June 10th, 2013.
From Shannon Marie:
Shannon Marie â€@shanlanger
@_BigBen7 Congrats on the award ! Thanks for your support to the Boys and Girls Club and for the updated photo!
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