Fan Photos/Fan Stories |
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Twitter Pic - Taylor Moore524 viewsTaylor shared this one with us prior to the Steelers vs Browns game, before bundling up for the 20 degree weather!
I'm ready to cheer my favorite QB on today no other # or name I will wear except!

Training Camp, 20061476 views*Thank you to Tameika for the photo!

This bubbly Steelers fan....668 viewsis Brenda Emer!
Brenda has fought a 16-year battle with cancer. Here is her story:
Brenda was originally diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 1997 at the age of 28. At that time her children John and Allison were only 2 and 3 years old. (John was 3, Allison was 2). She had lost her father in law to melanoma about a month before she was diagnosed. Three months after her diagnosis with cancer her son John was life-flighted to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh and was diagnosed with type 1 juvenile diabetes (as you can tell it was a rough year for her and her family).
She underwent 6 treatments of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation ending in March of 1998. In May of 1999 she learned she had relapsed and this time was much worse. She was then diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. She was then treated aggressively and underwent a stem cell transplant in hopes of getting it in remission. In August of 2003 she discovered she had cancer again. This time she had a mastectomy, and when she was going through chemo she began complaining of headaches, after an MRI they learned she had a brain tumor; this time they did gamma knife radiation to the tumor in her brain. In May of 2007 she learned she had cancer again, this time it metastasized to the right lung, they said that it stemmed from the right breast. She has surgery and discussed options of getting it into remission, this time they did chemo pills for 9 months. May of 2008 she learned the cancer had spread from her breast into both of her lungs.
In January 2008 she lost her mom JoAnn Dyne to colon and breast cancer.
December 23, 2008 she was diagnosed with cancer again, this time it affected the liver and the tissue around it. (again metastasized from her breast)
January of 2009 she went to the Fox Chase Research Center in Philadelphia. They told her that because she still had traces of cancer in her body they were unable to enroll her in a clinical trial.
She went to Hahne Cancer Center in Dubois PA and began a new type of chemo called Navobine which seemed to work well for awhile. She was going 3 weeks on and 1 week off. She had scans done in April that showed she had something on her hip. They thought it was possibly bone cancer, but because of all of the chemo she had it wore out the bone. She suffered from minimal damage to her hip area and will eventually need a hip replacement.
January 2010 she learned the cancer was back this time it affected her back. She started new chemo in May of 2010 By July she was diagnosed again with it in her back. Both times she received radiation. The chemo gave her neuropathy in her feet, which leaves them cold and tingly.
She started a new chemo in 2012 , this time they located cancer in the liver, lungs, and neck. This point marked 15 years of battling cancer.
In January of 2013 she was diagnosed with a tumor on the brain and liver, again due to the breast. She went through radiation and is now waiting on scans to prove she is free of cancer so she can hopefully begin her clinical trial in Pittsburgh on April 22nd.
It is also important to note that Brenda works three jobs; she drives school bus, works in the cafeteria at Kane Elementary/Middle school in Kane, PA. and is a cleaning lady. She possesses a positive attitude, no matter when you see her she is always smiling and so full of life. Her motto is "Always think positive." She also believes in getting 5 hugs a day; she says that getting hugged is good for the soul and reminds you that you are loved. Her son John is now a senior in high school and Allison is a junior. Brenda anxiously awaits getting to witness them graduate from school, go to college, get married, and have children. She is determined to not miss out on anything in their lives. She loves her children more than words could ever express, she most definitely fights for them!
Brenda's dream is to go on the Ellen show and tell her story! You can read more:

Steelers "GAME FACE" collectors cards482 viewsTerry Long purchased the set by artist Scott Spillman, and sent a photo of his newly framed collectors item!
You can see Scott's work here: www.scottspillman.com

Thank YOU Anna!!!888 viewsReceived a wonderful photo from Anna today after she saw her photo on the home page and a very nice message from her father:
"Thank you so much with the distinction on www.bigben7.com. Tomorrow we celebrate children's day in Mexico, and on Sunday we celebrate Anna Sophie's Birthday. This was a perfect gift. Blessings! -- Esteban Manuel González Cárdenas

August 1, 20101407 views- "Roethlisberger just took off his shoe, signed it and handed to a young boy. Then repeated it with the other shoe." -- Tweets from the New York Post's Bart Hubbuch.
And from an article in USA Today:
Once practice ended, fans clamoring to get his signature knocked down a mesh plastic security fence near the Chuck Noll Field grandstands.
Roethlisberger, noticing one youngster getting shoved aside, took off one of his practice shoes, signed it and gave it to 8-year-old Micah Delattre of Houtzdale, Pa.
“Everyone was pushing me and I was crying and he just gave it to me,†Delattre said.

The Krampert/Immel Family966 views"Our family members are native Pittsburghers, now living in various states across the country. We are all diehard Steelers fans and have a tradition to meet up at least once a year for a Steelers Game/Family Reunion."

December, 2017 - Regios de Acero in Pittsburgh602 views
Our friend, Roger Saucedo fills us in on their big weekend:
And here we go again! Regios de Acero were on their way to Pittsburgh last week! This was our trip to celebrate the club’s 15th anniversary. On Thursday morning, December 7th at 7:00 a.m. 90 fans loaded onto 2 buses to see 1 team: the Pittsburgh Steelers. We expected a 40-hour trip but that did not matter, we had an appointment at Heinz field on Sunday night to support Big Ben Roethlisberger and the team vs. Ravens.
We arrived at the City of Steel on Friday evening, tired but happy.
On Saturday, we toured the city: first the Strip District and then on to Heinz field area for an interview with Mike Clark (anchor news at WTAE). By 5 p.m. we had an important appointment too: an event at the stadium – the Steelers offered a Welcome Party to Mexican and Latin American fans. It was a great party! Roger Saucedo and Jesus Vera, administrators of Regios de Acero, broadcast on facebooklive some moments of the event for his club members in Mexico and all Mexican Steeler Nation too.
Thanks Killer B’s (Ben, Bell, Brown, Boswell), thanks to all the team and thanks to the city of Pittsburgh because they always make us feel like home. See you next year for another traditional tour of Regios de Acero, the most iconic Steelers fan club in Mexico. Here we go! — Roger Saucedo and the members of Regios De Acero.
**Regios de Acero have been making this trip for the last few years: December 2014, December 2015, and November 2016. That is dedication. That is #SteelersMexico!
*Click on the collage to enjoy a larger version.

The "Klaiber Krew"791 viewsThe family that cheers together stays together!
Photo: Denise Klaiber

Tiana Yates....454 viewsDie Hard fan - rain or shine!!!

Happy Birthday Tiffany!429 views"Several months ago I had sent in pictures from when my mother and I had met Ben at the King of Prussia Mall in May of this year. My mother had surprised me with tickets to that event, and she surprised me again this year on my birthday (November 18th) with with a fabulous ice cream birthday cake with Ben on it! Go Steelers!" -- Thank you, Tiffany

Three #7's watching #7!525 viewsLeft to right is Dawsen Rogers (2 years old), David Rogers and Cohen Rogers (5 years old). Cohen asked his mother, Tiffany, ""Ben is seriously going to see a picture of me...wearing his jersey! That's is soooo awesome!".
Thank you Tiffany!!
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