Salute to our Military |
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May 17, 2017 - Warrior Wednesday - Eric Ochoa975 viewsI served 8 years in the Marine Corps, and I’ve been a Steelers fan all my life. Born and raised in California, never been to Pittsburgh, but still a fan.
During my time in the Marines, I did two combat tours in Iraq and one to Afghanistan. I remember in 2009 waking up at 2 in the morning in Iraq to watch the Steelers beat the Cardinals in the Super Bowl.
In late 2013, I had the privilege to deploy to Jordan to train the Jordanian Army before they went to Afghanistan. During one of our driving courses, I pulled out my black terrible towel, I always kept with me, and asked some of the soldiers to take a picture with me holding the terrible towel.
I told them it represents the best football team in America. Hopefully one day my wife, kids and I can make it to Pittsburgh to witness the best players at home. #HereWeGo — Eric Ochoa.

Veterans Day Weekend - 20122062 viewsI just want to say thank you to all the veterans and current service people both here in the USA and around the world. Thank you for all your service to this great country and for providing us with the freedoms we take for granted everyday. All of you men and women that serve, and have served, we thank you and love you and honor you! God bless you all. -- Ben
Photo from the Steelers vs Giants game, November 4, 2012 at MetLife Stadium, New Jersey.

January 26, 2012 - Pro Bowl week1891 viewsBen poses with military personnel after practice.
Photo taken by Michael Moore, who is stationed in Hawaii.
*Click on any photo for a larger version!

Veterans Day, 20131107 viewsMembers of Steeler Nation UK salute our American Troops from WWII in a special way:
Andrew Duncan poses with the Terrible Towel during a break from a WWII reenactment he participated in this past October. His group is called "Normandy 44", and they honor the memories of the men who fought and died fighting for their country.
"I've been reenacting WW2 troops in the 29th Infantry and the 2nd Rangers for twelve years now. We've been to Normandy almost every year for D-Day to pay our respects to all who laid their life down. We also do schools talks about the unit and the history of what these heroic men went through during the war." -- Andrew
Normandy 44 on Facebook:

Colonel Bill Ellis, USAF1808 views"Here is a picture of my husband Bill Ellis, Colonel USAF. He is currently serving in Qatar and moving to Afghanistan on Monday.
I wanted to see if you would have the photo posted on the board at the field during the game. I just want to make a tribute to him. He works so hard and has been a loyal Steelers fan since he was 7 years old." -- Susan Ellis
Susan, Shannon, Connor and Colleen Ellis
(the photo of Colonel Ellis was taken on the roof of Saddam Hussein’s palace in Baghdad).

January, 2011 - Showing support from "the other side of the world"1727 views "I'm LTJG William L. Tschumy, USN, and I just wanted to share a photo of a buddy of mine from Flight School who also just so happens to be one of your team's greatest fans! His name is Lieutenant Junior Grade Bobby Telatovich, callsign, "Fun Bobby", United States Navy, and is currently forward deployed. Honestly, I'm sending in this picture because I'm not sure how those Terrible Towels made their way to the other side of the world, but they did, and I thought it would be cool to show the rest of America, and the world this picture of a Die Hard Steeler Fan! He's the dude on the right with the sunglasses, one of my best buds. Thank you!" -- LTJG Tschumy

Veterans Day Weekend - 20121326 views
My husband CW2 David Hall has been Active Duty Army for almost 15 years. He is about to deploy to Afghanistan for his third tour, and has earned a Bronze star among many other medals and achievements!!
We are proud of our Steeler fan- soldier! God bless our troops, the USA and our Steelers!
Carrie Hall

Veterans Day Weekend - 20121233 viewsHere is a pic of me from FOB Lagman, Afghanistan from Summer, 2010. I was there as part of a Navy Forward Surgical Team.
Go Steelers!
CDR John Eckenrode

Super Bowl XLV Good Luck Wishes....2077 viewsFrom Afghanistan!
Chad Wilson and Chris Camp support their Steelers while serving their country!
Photo sent on January 23, 2011.
*Click on any photo for a larger version!

Veterans Day Weekend - 20121083 viewsTook my Terrible Towel with me on my last parachute jump before I retired from active duty after 22 years in the US Air Force.
Craig Hillsman
Originally from Nemacolin PA, now living in Clarksville TN...Always a Steelers Fan!
*Click on any photo for a larger version!

Veterans Day Weekend - 20121654 viewsI fly the AH-64D Longbow Apache Attack helicopter. The Terrible Towel went with me on every mission I flew during my 12-month tour. This was taken in Afghanistan in July 2011. I still take the Towel with me on every flight, even here in the States. It has accumulated over 450 combat flight hours and about 700 total flight hours. -- CW2 Jeffrey Jones
*Click on any photo for a larger version!

Veterans Day, 20111790 viewsSGT's David and Tricia Aponte. Myself, CW4 Dave Bassili.
"Been in 22 years and still going strong. Just tell Ben and the boys win or lose, I still bleed black and gold! And why did it take so long to start going to Heath more than for just an outlet…just kidding! Just win, that's it! Go Steelers!!"
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