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January 2019 - Two baby Steelers in one weekend!424 viewsYou could say that he’s the doctor to the stars…Steelers stars, that is!
Our great friend Dr. Ronald Cypher not only delivers great photos of the Roethlisberger family, but he also delivered Benjamin Jr. in 2012, Baylee in 2014 and Bodie in 2016. But he sure had his hands full earlier this month delivering two more baby Steelers in the same weekend!
Jett Arman Haden was born on January 4th, and Lyon Carter Shazier was born on January 6th!
Photo: Dr. Ronald Cypher / West Penn Hospital - Pittsburgh

January 2019 - Two baby Steelers in one weekend!393 viewsCongratulations to Joe and Sarah Haden and to Ryan Shazier & his fiancee Michelle Rodriguez on the birth of their beautiful ones!
Photo: Dr. Ronald Cypher / West Penn Hospital - Pittsburgh

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday241 viewsMeet our beautiful October model for a very special ‘Awareness Month’:
“My daughter Chloe has achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. Sunday, October 25th is Dwarfism Awareness Day (all month is Awareness Month) so I was hoping maybe you could highlight her in all her Steeler glory!! My goal is to raise awareness and “normalize†dwarfism, and what better way to do that than with an adorable baby rocking her Steelers gear!!†— Melissa Hess.

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday674 viewsSo dad says two-year old Millie is Big Ben’s #2 fan, because HE’S Big Ben’s #1 fan! But Millie respectfully disagrees. She also thinks she looks way cuter in her #7 jersey than her dad! Yeah, we’re definitely gonna go with Millie on this one! (Photo: Dad Brady).

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday247 viewsThree-year old Maeve (who prefers to say she is “three years of oldâ€) never likes to be too far from her Big Ben doll! But when she is, BIG BEN gets a BIG HUG when they finally reunite! (Photo: Mom Naomh)

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday232 viewsGrandma is convinced that four-month old Remi’s first words will be “Here we go Steelers!â€. (Photo: Grandma Stephanie).

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday249 views🎵 The jig is up, the news is out, we’ve finally found her…🎵
Wait…this little cheerleader isn’t just a Lil’ Fan!! She’s a Lil’ Wrenegade!!
Eight-month old Wren will be cheering on her favorite QB and team on Sunday, for sure!! (Photo: Nana Mary Beth).

October 16, 2020 - It's time for another Lil' Fan Friday265 viewsAnd three-year old Wyatt left his Big Ben doll at grandma’s house! Whew, what an ordeal!! But the crisis has been averted and now that he has him back, the plan is to keep him close from here on out! (Photo: Dad Mark)

August Fan Photos - And all smiles while he's wearing it!818 viewsAmanda Harrison â€@amandaremysmom Aug 29
@_BigBen7 wearing our favorite!

August Fan Photos - Cheer Babies!795 viewsAaron C. King â€@marine201600 Aug 14
@AntonioBrown84 @CamHeyward @_BigBen7 can my daughters get a RT for their team spirit?#StartingThemYoung #Steelers

October 11, 2012 - Richard Culliver1947 viewsRichard is awestruck at meeting Stevenson Sylvester before the game!
"God is really looking out for me, and I really love him!" -- Richard, to his mom after his amazing experience.
Photo: Stephanie McMillan
*To see the most recent photos, click on "Last uploads" at the top of the page!

August Fan Photos - So let's see if I have this straight814 views....Mom is a Steelers fan, dad is...uh...not! Lol.
She was not pleased that I put her in front of @_BigBen7 locker. #Browns #Steelers #NFL #BabyDivided
But as one Steelers fan said on Twitter, if you think she's unhappy now, wait until she finds out she's a Browns fan! ;-)
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